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The Orcs of the Wolf Axe roam the trackless plains. They are warlike and nomadic religious fanatics. The tribes move across the plains with wagons pulled by boars, and on foot. They do not rest, as the gnolls and the … Continue reading
The Book of the Sun Describes how Pholtus carves a path in the sky for the sun to follow and thus, how he rules the sun. Excerpts: “Light shall penetrate and overcome darkness.” “The light dawning in the darkness, and … Continue reading
Pholtus is the god of light, resolution, law, order, inflexibility, sun, moons. His priests are about keeping order, doing good for the community, making converts, and rooting out heretics. Generally in that order, but not always. He’s very concerned with … Continue reading
This sword has a blade of a red-gold color, styled to resemble a bird’s wing. The guard also resembles bird wings, outstretched. The pommel bears a single ruby. Inscribed in elvish on one side is Narwa, on the other Soron, … Continue reading
Three hundred years ago – A conglomeration of humans, halflings, and dwarves petitioned the Elves of Beevale, especially Countess Sariandi Ulaquinov to establish a barony in the area of what is now Poordirt. The area was not good for farming, … Continue reading