The Orcs of the Wolf Axe roam the trackless plains. They are warlike and nomadic religious fanatics. The tribes move across the plains with wagons pulled by boars, and on foot. They do not rest, as the gnolls and the orcs are in a constant war of attrition, with the orcs destroying the gnolls when they are found, and the gnolls hunting small bands of orcs when they can find them.
The Orcs would like to invade the forests of the Deepening wood, to build fortifications and finally stop the constant warfare against the gnolls, but the elves and the sylvan entities in the wood beat them back over and over again. They fear and loathe the elvish rangers and protectors of the woods, and are normally keen to attack any elves they see.
The Orcs send out raiding bands of 15 to 25 Orcs to hold strong points and make things difficult for their adversaries. That number of Orcs is usually strong enough to take out a Gnollish hunting party, and is too great for a single Elvish Ranger to deal with by themselves.
The Orcs all worship Gruumsh, and sometimes their dark god chooses a champion, called an Eye of Gruumsh. These are incredibly tough warriors and spellcasters, and one does not want to come up against them.
The Orcs occasionally ride Dire Boars. There are tales that one of the Eyes of Gruumish rides an owlbear, and that this is a truly formidable orc.