Cleaver Castle was originally built by the Kraghand dwarven clan, who were instrumental in the founding of Poordirt. The Kraghands built Cleaver castle on the great cliffs overlooking Poordirt and the Three Rivers Ford, giving it a great view of the approaches, and making sure it was defensible and difficult to approach.
Cleaver Castle is the traditional seat of the Barons of Poordirt, first the original Cleaver family, then the Hasencleavers, who were a distant branch of the family. The original Cleavers were very martial and warlike, expanding the ambitions of the Efros kingdom, and intermarrying with the royal family. The Hasencleavers have not continued that tradition, and allowed the castle to decay some. The Baron’s Guard, revitalized by the champion Gilbert the Honorable, restarted some of the military aspects of the family. However, they do not receive a lot of support from the Baron himself, who prefers politics and diplomacy to warfare.
The castle broods over Poordirt, it’s towers looking old and decayed, it’s defenses seemingly weakened. The gate is never closed, and only the Guard knows if it can be closed. It reminds one of the Baron: aging, decaying, soon to only exist as relic.