Lady Sari, Countess Beevale is now the overlord of the the Barony of Poordirt. See the history of Poordirt for how this came about.
Lady Sari, as she likes to be called, is an elder elven noblewoman. She has been around for a very long time. She signed the original lease that allowed Poordirt to become a human barony, and she has decided not to renew the lease, making it now part of the elvish domains. She is curious to see how she would do as a ruler of ‘shorter lived’ races, and is fascinated by being a ‘Countess’, as elves do not have the concept.
She is an accomplished weaver, and delights in wearing clothes of unique fabrics, often using magic in her crafts to make her appearance more ethereal. She also delights in spectacle, and is currently planning her first visit to Poordirt. She has a hall in the Deepening Woods (out beyond Hidden Valley).
Lady Sari is a well known celebrity among the Elves, famous for her art, gowns, robes, crowns, jewelry, poetry, songs, boots. Her tapestries and fashions are desired by everyone interested in fashion, her performances are sought after by appreciators of art. She is known by many names, of which Lady Sari is simply the latest. In the past she has been the Thilivern Roval (white-winged).
She is assisted by Iolas Yinmys, her right hand and majordomo. Iolas sends out the countess’ retainers on various missions.