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Cleaver Castle was originally built by the Kraghand dwarven clan, who were instrumental in the founding of Poordirt. The Kraghands built Cleaver castle on the great cliffs overlooking Poordirt and the Three Rivers Ford, giving it a great view of … Continue reading
A sheep farm located in the Hidden Valley. Lately encased by fog, it was recently freed from a malaise by the actions of the adventurers, who destroyed a vampiric tree and some evil plants. Proprietors: Milo and Elena
Lord Regent Heinrich is the de facto ruler of Poordirt, and makes decisions for the barony. He is married to Elsha Hasencleaver neé Kroll, the niece of Count Kroll, the deposed overlord of Poordirt. He is very distressed that Poordirt is now ruled … Continue reading
Lord Ralf Hasencleaver is the 14th Baron of Poordirt. His family took over the barony 150 years ago, and has maintained it since. Baron Poordirt is old, and has no children of his own. He adopted two sons, but they … Continue reading
Lady Sari, Countess Beevale is now the overlord of the the Barony of Poordirt. See the history of Poordirt for how this came about. Lady Sari, as she likes to be called, is an elder elven noblewoman. She has been … Continue reading
Three hundred years ago – A conglomeration of humans, halflings, and dwarves petitioned the Elves of Beevale, especially Countess Sariandi Ulaquinov to establish a barony in the area of what is now Poordirt. The area was not good for farming, … Continue reading